Summer Reading: Fiction Book “Learning to Swim” Contains Laughs for the Sandwich Generation

Summer Reading: Fiction Book “Learning to Swim” Contains Laughs for the Sandwich Generation

Learning to Swim Cover Image

Three generations of women are featured in Learning to Swim, a new summer beach read from author Shayla Dugan.

The idea for Learning to Swim came to me one day when I was discussing with friends the difficulty of caring for aging parents and children at the same time.”

— Author Shayla Dugan

SEATTLE, WA, UNITED STATES, May 1, 2024 / — Middle-aged Gabrielle is sandwiched between caring for a teenage daughter and her aging mother. Three generations of women living under one roof provide ample opportunity for comedy, their story adeptly written in the new women’s fiction novel Learning to Swim by author Shayla Dugan who also writes a humorous blog about experiences from her own life.

While most of the book has a light tone, deeper conversations about end-of-life conflict resolution and passing down generational knowledge are prominent in the storytelling. Grandmother Ida is a former Olympian swimmer whose longtime smoking habit now requires surgery. Always tough on her daughter, she must learn to soften before it is too late. Gabrielle deals with her difficult mother as best she can while navigating a divorce, caring for a teenage daughter, and corresponding with her ne’er-do-well brother.

Author Dugan is a former hospice social worker and grief counselor who helped families cope with loss. “Often, adult children and their parents would seek my help in solving life-long family issues during the last few months on earth together. That professional experience of helping families reconcile their differences was incredibly meaningful,” says Dugan. “The idea for Learning to Swim came to me one day when I was discussing with friends the difficulty of caring for aging parents and children at the same time.”

This is Dugan’s debut in the women’s fiction and humor genres. A grandmother herself, Dugan holds dual master’s degrees in English and Social Work. When asked about her book she says, “I feel like this book will connect with women on many levels because of the multiple viewpoints… women will think, ‘I’ve been there’ or ‘I’m going to be there someday.’”

Learning to Swim: A Novel by Shayla Dugan is published through Egret Lake Books, a new micropress focused on women’s fiction, romance, and poetry.

Book details:
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Book Title: Learning to Swim: A Novel
Author: Shayla Dugan
Publisher: Egret Lake Books
ISBN: 978-1-956498-06-6
Paperback and eBook
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Tess Jones
Egret Lake Books
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