The Health Project Announces the 2023 C. Everett Koop National Health Awards

C. Everett Koop National Health Award

The Health Project today announced the 2023 recipients of the esteemed C. Everett Koop National Health Award DTE Energy and Idaho National Laboratory

BETHESDA, MD, UNITED STATES, September 22, 2023 / — The Health Project today announced the 2023 recipients of the esteemed C. Everett Koop National Health Award. This prestigious award recognizes employers that have demonstrated documented improvements in their workers’ health and well-being as well as positive organizational outcomes.

This year’s award winners are:

DTE Energy (DTE) a company headquartered in Detroit, Michigan with 11,000 employees at 100 locations across 22 states. As a diversified energy company, DTE is involved in the development and management of energy-related businesses and services nationwide. With a long history of supporting employee health and well-being, DTE’s program aims at building a physically thriving, emotionally resilient, socially connected, and financially secure workforce.

DTE’s program has achieved participation rates exceeding 85%, effectively curbed the prevalence of critical lifestyle-related health conditions, and reduced workers’ compensation claims and workplace injuries. The combination of individual-level resources and organizational support has contributed to high employee satisfaction.

Idaho National Laboratory (INL), in Idaho Falls, Idaho is the Department of Energy laboratory for basic and applied nuclear and radiological science research and fuel fabrication. The INL wellness program is focused on the intentional integration of wellness, safety, occupational medicine, mental health services, diversity, quality, and benefits. Participation in the program is high, with 89% of employees participating in programs and 62% engaged daily. The wellness program has significantly increased health behavior adoption, improved employee health metrics, and reduced work-related injuries.

“The C. Everett Koop Award recognizes organizations with comprehensive, evidence-based programs designed to improve employees’ health and well-being,” said Ron Goetzel, Ph.D., President and CEO of The Health Project. “Over the past few years, employers have had to adapt the ways they deliver health promotion programs, and it all starts with building and sustaining a culture of health at the workplace.”

In addition to the winners, The Health Project also recognized two Honorable Mention recipients:

Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, which offers its employees the BCM Be Well program that includes initiatives to address frontline worker stress, caregiving burden, sleep disorders, social isolation, and mental health.

Metro Nashville Public Schools, overseeing public schools in Nashville, Tennessee, make employee well-being a core value. The school system has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at creating a supportive work environment to address health disparities. The school system’s focus is on preventive healthcare. It provides regular health screenings through its on-site clinics, thus removing financial, physical, and emotional barriers to care.

The C. Everett Koop Award Winners and Honorable Mention recipients will be recognized at this year’s HERO Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 28, 2023.

The Health Project, Inc. (THP) is a tax-exempt not-for-profit corporation formed to bring about critical attitudinal and behavioral changes in addressing the health and well-being of Americans. THP’s mission is to define, promote, and increase the adoption of organizational health and well-being practices that translate into measurable operational impact. The C. Everett Koop National Health Awards are given each year to worksite, community, or provider programs that are well-integrated into the organization’s infrastructure and have yielded significant improvement in population health and noteworthy business results.


Ron Goetzel
The Health Project
[email protected]

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